Could your office benefit from updates to soften harsh lines or add depth? If you’re on the search for elements of design that will create an inviting look and balance out sharp edges, curves can be highly effective. There are many ways to incorporate curvature in your space, including contemporary office furniture pieces. Interested in learning more about how curved lines can transform your space? Here, we share some inspiration: 

Foster a Welcoming Environment

Curves are quickly becoming one of the most popular trends in interior design (in stark contrast with the cutting-edge lines of recent years). The flowing lines of curved furniture and architecture are nearly universally appealing because this look is innately welcoming and serene. As many offices are increasingly turning to biophilic design, curves are right at home with this aesthetic and work especially well when paired with plants. 

Create a Focal Point 

If you’re looking for a way to create a focal point within a room, incorporating curves through furniture, art, or architecture can instantly draw the eye. Although arched doorways are one way to create eye-catching curves, you don’t have to turn to construction if you don’t have the budget for large-scale renovations. Even painted archways, murals with flowing lines, or statement pieces like mirrors can be effective as a focal point. 

Experiment With Perspective

Although curvature is often pleasing to view from any level, it can be especially appealing from a birds’ eye view. If your building has two or more stories, adding curved furniture pieces such as a coffee table or couch on the lower level adds depth from upstairs if you have a railing to look down from. If you have a smaller area in the office that could use some updates, curvature is excellent for creating a sense of movement that opens up the room. 

Mix and Match With Contrasts

If you’re on a mission to revitalize your space, creating contrasts with curves and sharp lines can enhance the look of a room. Even small touches like a curved couch atop a square rug will have a noticeable effect on the aesthetic and add dimension.

The smooth, soft lines of curved architecture or contemporary office furniture are making a big statement in interior design right now. If you’re on the search for ways to extend the eyeline of a room, add depth or dimension, or balance out sharp lines, curves may be the way to go. Whether you’ve clearly defined your design goals or you’re not quite sure of the direction you’d like to go, we would love to assist you. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your vision.