When planning commercial office design, aesthetics are typically the number one concern that clients have. Although it’s important to create a workplace that looks inviting and reflects your brand, acoustics are just as crucial. Acoustics are one of those factors that you won’t notice when done right but will be distracting if sound isn’t taken into account. Curious about why acoustics matter and how to find the perfect balance? Here, we share some insights and inspiration: 

Why Acoustics Are Important

Whether your office is large or small, employees and visitors can be impacted by the way sound travels. Quality acoustics can streamline communication, reduce distractions, and improve concentration. These are all wins for productivity, and can have a notable influence on employees’ moods, as well. On the other hand, an office with poor acoustics will hinder team members from feeling and performing their best. A commercial space that’s cavernous and echoey is unsettling, while a crowded area without adequate soundproofing can feel chaotic and stressful. 

Considerations For Creating Great Acoustics

If you’re changing your tune about acoustics, there are many ways to create a space where sound is optimized. Working with a team of experts should be first on the list, since it’s challenging to get the acoustics just right without a background in this area. The team that you work with should discuss the following strategies with you: 

  • Furniture and flooring selection and placement. Every material in the office will have an impact on acoustics, and the flooring and furniture pieces you choose will affect more than just appearances. It’s probably no surprise that carpet is more sound absorbing than smooth, hard materials. However, if you want to avoid carpet, you can select furniture pieces that are sound masking (such as leather or upholstered). 
  • Biophilic design. Biophilic design aims to nourish the natural connection between humans and elements of nature. Plants are a mainstay in biophilic design and offer a plethora of benefits, including sound reduction. 
  • Sound masking. If you want to take the acoustics in the office to the next level, consider investing in sound masking. Similar to the effects of white noise, sound masking is ambient background sound that’s specifically engineered for improved speech privacy. 

If you’re in the process of upgrading the workplace, acoustics are an element of commercial office design that you shouldn’t overlook. Creating a cohesive environment starts with volume control, and we can help you create a space that achieves your vision while ensuring employee comfort. Ready to learn more about our process? Please contact us to schedule a consultation.